from Songs About Sports by NO RISK
with backing vox by mq, em, and bones
music merch community edit navigation bar flooding/drowning from #14 by the garages Wishlist Edit Bulk Edit 00:00 / 02:53 Edit Cassette + Digital Album package image semi-transparent cover, with on-body printed cassette shell features the tracks from #14 & the garages suck art by wraithly (@wraith_ly) Includes unlimited streaming of #14 via the free Bandcamp app, plus high-quality download in MP3, FLAC and more. ships out within 7 days $23.33 USD or more Buy the Full Digital Album lyrics of course, you think you can just come back home bring your bags, packed like they were when you left and in two days, i bet you'll be freakin out and wherever you go you know you'll bring your storm with you and now you’re flooding my basement and the water’s so cold, with the level rising and i’m just wishing you’d be swept elsewhere and now it’s flooding the kitchen with a downpour so steady i don’t know when it starts or when it ends if you don’t fix it, i’ll be drowning of course, you think it all gets forgotten it’s all fine, but you cannot crack a smile and you’re angry, when the energy rises to meet you like the liferafts are disrespectful to the sea but now you’re flooding my basement and the water’s so cold, with the level rising and i’m just wishing you’d be swept elsewhere and now it’s flooding the kitchen with a downpour so steady i don’t know when it starts or when it ends if you don’t fix it, i’ll be drowning if you don’t fix it, i’ll be drowning we kept it, your jersey, don’t care if it’s murder i’d forgive you if it were something you regret we missed you, and still you, are part of the family but it’s not going to be easy to forget that everything you say is made to make me doubt myself that everything you say makes me doubt myself