the angels' union, no. 23

from the garages kill the gods by the garages

track by june september (

The angels in the outfield we are unionizing 
To take take back that which we’ve earned
And the demons in the innfield offer a hand
solidarity’s its own special word

And we work for eternity day after day 
And we still haven't received our pay
If you think that’s okay Lord, Lord
we ain't a-gonna be treated this way

When we asked for bread and roses all we got were peanuts
And your birds swarmed to pick them up
And if blood be the price of all your wealth,
FUCK God! we have paid enough! 

The angels in the outfield we are unionizing 
To take take back that which we’ve earned
And the demons in the innfield offer a hand
solidarity’s its own special word

We were taught to shame the leeches, the pests of the beaches
The demons we must always fight
But God is the biggest leech of them all,
Bloodsucking all day and all night

Aren’t one two three, three strikes enough
For you to see us, hear our cry
If you’re gonna play it that way fine by us
We’ll eat pie in the sky when you die

The angels in the outfield we are unionizing 
To take take back that which we’ve earned
And the demons in the innfield offer a hand
solidarity’s its own special word

And we’re taking their bats and we’re swinging at gods head, there’s so many of us there’s so many limbs so many eyes so many teeth so many sharp pointed feathers and we’re just going for it we’re all going for the kill we are killing the unkillable stopping the unstoppable and it’s the bottom of the ninth and the shame kicks in and now god is dead.