park it (op. 1)

from TRIBUTE ACT by the garages

cover by em grace (@UndeniableEmG), originally by ethan geller (

Theodore Duendes the perfect captain
Solid fundamentals and a great friend
We need more sluggers like him and Allison Abbott
We need less people like Mike Townsend

We’ve got Luis Acevedo
The best vocaloid in the league
But I’ll get to that later

We’ve got gwiff now and gwiff never wiffs
I think he’s at least half owl; it’s unclear
But we’ve got luis acevedo
The only vocaloid who can also thwack
When they’re at bat they bellow

This next runs for hotdogfingers
A victim of eldricth circumstance
If she lived to see our new pitcher
This next ground outs for mike Townsend
We’re going to win in spite of you
If we don’t win that’s totally ok, cuz you know we’re gonna pa pa pa pa
Park it
Park it
Park it
Park it

Theodore duendes got the formula
That’s why they call blaseball the sweet science
He just walks up to the plate and says “soundgarden is pretty good,
But they’re far from the best band out of Seattle”
“Have you heard of this band Weep Wave?
I’ll make you a mixtape after this”
Then he hits a grand slam

This next runs for hotdogfingers
A victim of eldricth circumstance
If she lived to see our new pitcher
This next ground outs for mike Townsend
We’re going to win in spite of you
Out of the way, it’s duendesday season
I know we’re anticapitalist
But tianna cash didn’t have to die
She was literally made of money
Though I’m sure it informed her politics so for her we will just pa pa pa pa
Park it
Park it
Park it