hall pass
from DEICIDE by the garages
track by em grace (@UndeniableEmG) with henry on drums
I watched you on the field practicing with your team I watched you as you pitch with your eyes all agleam I watched you in the hall - can you sense a theme but once I let you out of my sight, it feels like a bad bad dream I think about you every day I didn’t think you were the type to cut class why’d you have to run away you should’ve come to me for a hall pass (2x) I reach out to you through the abyss I call out to you and it sounds like a hiss how can I go on living like this of all the names in the hall, you’re the only one that I miss I think about you every day I didn’t think you were the type to cut class why’d you have to run away you should’ve come to me for a hall pass I never figured you were gonna roam but now I’m watching in the dark waiting just for you to come home