we may not look like much
from DEICIDE by the garages
beat by andrea "a52" (quadraticgoblinrush.bandcamp.com) lyrics and vocals by zack.ry (@zackleston, zackry.bandcamp.com) guitar and mixing by tegan
additional vocals by: yana (@VillainousGoo) em grace (@UndeniableEmG) riley INOM (@lambmower) navigator (@Starrynavigator) zandterbird (@zandterbird) writer strange mary woodard (@writingwoodard) mucusqueen (@QueenMucus)
bet you think you’re tough a big old god come down from up high think we got it rough but you miss a lot when you’re way up in the sky cause we’ve been makin deals with the devil you can’t see you wanna play with idols try a taste of equity we may not look like much we may start from nothing but we got way more spirit than a nut who thinks he’s god you don’t know anything bout the mess you’ve started now best get your weapons ready cause we are tearing down your walls tell us to submit you’re not the only one who gets to make plans no we won’t remit you’re the one who’ll pay for the blood on your hands you’ve had a decent run we’ll concede that much to you but you’re blocking out the sun and we’re tired of the view we may not look like much we may start from nothing but we got way more spirit than a nut who thinks he’s god you don’t know anything bout the mess you’ve started now best get your weapons ready cause we are tearing down your walls