Hall Stars - The Game
from Reunion Tour by the garages
by slavfox (@slavfoxman) with vocals by MQ (@QueenMucus)
you thought the day she let you go and run away would be the last you'd feel the pain and all your trauma would be buried and forgotten and replaced with all that makes up an emotionally stable person and you'd live and laugh and love again and finally grow up again you thought the day she let you leave and find a way to make dead sure you'd never let yourself be shackled down and hurt by way of conscience and regret you thought that day would be the start of a new age for your wellbeing opportunity for change a brand new life without the pain suddenly free you found yourself seeking out meaning and exploring what it means to feel a feeling that's your own and not a scar you got when on your own you stood before a hopeless game, an angry beam of fire that would cleanse you of your sins, your hopes, your memories and dreams suddenly free you found yourself in lack of meaning as you left her even years could not have healed the wounds she left, the creeping fear you tried to bury deep beneath your calm exterior but inside you knew that time will pass and scars will fade but you will never learn to live without the creeping death around your wrists a symphony of hits that missed without the hurt it's not the same you've never healed, you need the game