Hellmouth Sunbeams - Adaptation

from Reunion Tour by the garages

Credits: Rosie Drown (@ap_pussyeatin)

(CW: body horror)

Monologues || 1 ||
Welcome to the Hellmouth, letʼs get you started
First thing, youʼll notice youʼve begun to change
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
Second thing, the tug
You have been called here. You can never leave
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
Third, your adaptation
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
You may find yourself wanting to die. But that would be worse than whatʼs
happening to you right now, best not.
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid

Monologues || 2 ||
Welcome to the Hellmouth, letʼs get you started
I will direct your attention to the holes in your skin
This is for your safety, and is irreversible
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
You will find yourself unable to leave, but why would you ever want to?
It is good here, we want you here
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
Adaptation is a wonderful thing.
Soon you will fit right in, isnʼt that nice?
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
You may find yourself wanting to die. But that would be worse than whatʼs
happening to you right now, best not.
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid

Monologues || 3 ||
I saw the sun set on a desert full of spikes
The maw came ever closer even as i stood still
And suddenly as i turned my back to leave, i found i could not move
There is strength in staying here, there are Adaptations to be made.
I know things are scary, but soon all will be clear
I love you. I love you. I love you
Please go, go far from here. Things are good. Things are bad. Please stay, we want
you. We need you. Adaptation
You may find yourself wanting to die. But that would be worse than whatʼs
happening to you right now, best not.
This is normal. Everything is normal. do not be afraid
Monologues || 4 ||
There once was a boy, he wandered for a very long time.
he found his way here, to where we all find ourselves eventually. To the Hellmouth.
He tried to leave, like you tried to leave, like we all tried to leave. But time is a flat
But space is a flat circle
He came back. Like you, Like me. And he embraced the new parts of him that
werenʼt there before

Monologues || 5 ||
And I told you, I told you to stay strong
And not let the wind blow you back
And you did not listen
And you died
And I said, I said many times
Please donʼt go, I need you here
And you did not listen
And so I killed you
And I had hoped that you would understand then
And I had hoped I would have made myself clear
That the tug is strong in you, but it is stronger in myself

Monologues || 6 ||
there are echos of you in this valley
that was your adaptation
you left your body behind and turned into mist and song and shadow
and i can see the thoughts of you in the walls and the ceilings of this home
and the love that you shared in this park
and the feelings of sorrow that gave way to hopelessness that gave eventually into
hope in the long tusks of my home
and i can feel you around me, stronger than you ever were while you were still here
and although i cannot feel you, touch you, talk to you, i know that you love me, and
i love you still
And the worms crawl in
Worms crawl out
Worms crawl in the new holes in my skin
And I let them in
To the new holes in my skin
Theyʼre there to keep me warm
And to let the dust pass through
I wonʼt be blown away in the storm

Monologues || 7 ||
And I looked
And I beheld
A great city filled with teeth
And a great sky filled with malice
And as I approached
I couldnʼt help but feel at home
Some stranger tug
From the small of my back
And I entered
And I began to change