Towering Above
from BLATTLE OF THE BLANDS by assorted artists
track by Niko _____ (@Inumo) and rjdim
Lookin' around the league a sorry state trapped in capitalism tied to fate from a coin trumped up! Y'all gonna track the plan but here this Tower our hour we're bringing change y'all won't know what hit ya Kick it off right aimin' at Moist Talkers CONTEMPTIBLE Got a Pope now huh? Gonna worship that orb? Gonna worship that squid? Gonna get the Dot all squiddish and watch as nothing changes Take a look at the Mints Breath or Death S'all the same when you get down to it An end that's planned ain't an end at all just a transition Fight the coin's mission but you'll find out quick when your only cry is STOP Y'ain't gonna make a difference Grill dads got the dad card all right but y'all really wanna be part of this system? Steaks gonna claim the authority but fun fact No Gods No Masters No Emperor just bats to crowns Better hope your head's not there when I swing for the fences Got a homer in my eyes and a rebel in my grip Flowers gonna grow? Where's your bloom then y'all? Your Empress Mother Nature turned its back on you Veins fulla grass but wouldn't know it from your play Maybe one day you'll get past 103 Speakin' of playoffs anyone seen the Pies? First to win two rings a disgrace ever since Haven't seen you in the finals 9 Seasons straight Y'all went Hermit after losin' JT Tigers ain't much better comin' close a couple times but the Devil's in the details keepin' y'all bound Laughin' at my older self fearin' your power Why tame the Tigers when y'all tamed yourselves? An old-school Hand in the light of the Moon With you Spies always tryin' to bewilder your betters but y'all ain't flippin' your odds anymore The only one bewildered now is gonna be you Better get a new look Beams take that Hanged Man How's the view hangin' from the top of the League but y'all you know we're comin' for you Take a pic it'll last longer than your brain cell Magic got Magician and I guess some magic musta been flowin' It's a miracle you made it that far Don't call luck a conscious choice that won't fly when you're crossin' me Desperate for the power you know you lack but you're trustin' in blood and gods not yourselves Hope you enjoyed that playoffs trip 'cuz I'm bettin' y'ain't gonna make it back Chariot is ridin' through Los Angeli but if it's only seein' Tacos, well must feel outta place I dunno if you should call Snackrifice “success” but if you're huntin' victory I'm the game that fights back Garages got Justice but you can't decide where to keep Townsend much less DEICIDE you yell while you flee leaving gods to the Thieves Guess it's true what they say y'don't do anything Not to say that the Thieves did better Wheel of Fortune says JT WINS Can't steal the kicks from Pods or gods How you enjoying Tillman huh? Mills gotta dip from the heat of Wild league but they're keepin' up the rep to ruin everything stealin' the Lovers right from San Fran's grip drama trapped in an overpriced flat Meanwhile Judgment for Crowvertime Why else would y'all miss your icon card? Lovers I'm sure Stephens just wants to chill but we only lost to winners I've got nothin' but spite (and maybe) Dale pickin' up our would-be Star but you know hope only comes from within They say you're Party Livin' but your record don't match I'm not holdin' my breath for your Postseason run Wings desperate for a bit of that Sun suing Parker swappin' leagues Best luck in Wexico You got your one ring now good luck gettin' back You're against the Hands now we'll leave that confidence shaken Never seen a Firefighter chill in their life chanting WE ARE FROM Breckenridge, y'all! Calm! Don't need to do a thing now y'all burned bright Season 5 but I see you gutterin' burned out Welcome to Party Time, Lift! Think you've got Strength? Need a spotter for that bar shaky arms on rep three I see you strugglin' Watch out! My flick might be deadly lay you flat on your back Crabs don't act like you escaped Knocked flat by Quitter now we see you up there Couldn't cut it in the Big Leagues got your cup of coffee comin' back down to an LLC Damn capitalist Yeah y'all can't swing like the Jazz Hands pitch is all outta tune Might not be the best but we got that Groove Eight OGs after Open Mic Night Y'all tried to pick us clean but you still can't keep us out of the running can't kick us down Catch these hands Oh, yo, Fridays? We chill Those High Priestess vibes suit y'all and your Lady