Burke Gonzales

from BLATTLE OF THE BLANDS by assorted artists

track by peter silk (kestrelpi.bandcamp.com)

Sky comes tumbling down
I got to get out of this town
Sky comes tumbling down
This only happens when I'm around

I am a walking disaster, keep away from me
You know I really don’t want to make a scene
Somehow it happens despite all of my good intent
I’m giving up even trying to prevent
I know I shouldn't be living in this place at all
Send me to space, it's a small world after all
For your own safety just lock me up and melt the key
'Cause it's already too long since something happened to me

You shouldn't even be listening to this song
'Cause any second now something's gonna go wrong
I feel it happening now
it's really happening
here I go agaiiiiin

Sky comes tumbling down
I got to get out of this town
Sky comes tumbling down
This only happens when I'm around

You say the Bucket protects, you say we're safe but if
my calculation's correct there's a terrif-
-ic chance that some cosmic trap is just about to spring
And if I'm right then we can’t protect a thing
They cheer my name it’s my turn on the mound
But they don't know that I shouldn't be around
I'm an anomaly, I'm a rip in time and space
You're like a family but I don't belong in this place

And I don't know if I'll see my kids again
I keep on smiling but it's so hard to pretend
And now it's happening no
Can't stop it happening
here I go agaiiiiin

Sky comes tumbling down
I got to get out of this town
Sky comes tumbling down
This only happens when I'm around
Play it, Fran.
But I would take on the gods to set things right
I’m choosing not to go down without a good fight
Let's make it happen yeah
Anything can happen so
here we go agaiiiiin

Sky comes tumbling down
But I might as well stick around
Sky comes tumbling down
You’ll find me trapped in the lost and found

Try to make the best of it
Still make a mess of it
You know the rest of it
So let's divest of it
This guilt they make me feel
I know it isn't real
I'm not responsible
I want these monsters all