Chicago Firefighters - The Fire House (Stay Safe)
from Reunion Tour by the garages
written & performed by ad gorcowboy (@agorcowboy) additional contributions by Evan Chairs (@evanchairs)
with the light switch on, the unbirds shine and the coffee is sweeter than wine stay safe, stay warm stay sheltered from the storm when the glow grows in the umpires' eyes cry: douglas protect us douglas protect us before the ground ever did break josh butt played third base on that lateday the eclipse and the umpire sent josh into the fire next season the park was raised walls up to the cacti mysticism in the clouds douglas protect us douglas protect us (stay safe) carmelo burned (stay safe) when douglas' back was turned (stay safe) baby can't remember (stay safe) geepa can't forget walls up to the cacti mysticism in the clouds douglas protect us douglas protect us we will remember you when you're gone (douglas protect us)