macchiato city nights

from percolate, or, lofi hip-hop brews to siesta/kill gods to by the garages

track by mother love blone (, with vocals by MQ (@QueenMucus)

deep in the covers as the evening soaks
the bright milky light of the full moon, a new moon, moon 2
pierces the caffeinated shadows. "this is a dream"
you'd say, if you could ever feel the words
but this is the city that never sleeps, that cannot sleep
and then you smell it: burnt vanilla, ash, notes of [infinite]
as if to say: "it's alright
it's a beautiful night, and you're falling"

every drive is a midnight drive, windows down
to taste the rain, feel the chill, drink the air
to remind yourself that we will make it
the darkness isn't whole, it's full of holes
every window light a local stain
in the firmament, dollops that whisper:
"they can try to stop this deluge
but like hot water through grounds, we'll just pour right through"