i'm in love with a blaseball player
from the garages present: be my vlalentine by the garages
i'm in love with a blaseball player by seb (bigredsun.bandcamp.com)
i see you walking on the field and my heart starts to thunder i wonder if your defense will ever yield when i see you round the bases i think about all the places i'd take you if i could the puget sound, the pitcher's mound the stadium ground, just to kick around 'cause everywhere seems magical with you it's difficult to tell you in a splort that kills off half its players but here i am spilling my soul on a wing and a prayer i'm stumbling over my own tongue but i think this message is better sung than said, so with that said i'm in love with a blaseball player i'm in love with a blaseball player i see you round the city streets i try to catch up and talk to you but i don't know what to say so all that ends up coming out is "uh, um, i think you played really well today" you say thanks, because you're nice even though i am now dying inside and i think i might be the most awkward person who has ever walked the earth but then you give me that smile and all is forgotten it's difficult to tell you in a splort that kills off half its players but here i am spilling my soul on a wing and a prayer i'm stumbling over my own tongue but i think this message is better sung than said, so with that said i'm in love with a blaseball player i'm in love with a blaseball player it's hard to fall in love when tomorrow we could wake up and have to face horrors undreamed of but i think i am anyway i can't stand not to find a lifeline in this game