pony on the go (live @ TAKEOVER)
from the garages TAKEOVER by the garages
People think that i’m a joke But i could stomp ‘em to a pulp I’m powerful and fast, To say the least And some people say That a horse can’t play I dare ‘em to go up Against me Yippee-i-i-oh I’m a pony on the go It’s Summers time, And I always bring the heat Yippee-i-i-ay Summers Pony on the way When I’m up to bat You’re already beat And I don’t need to change To be beautiful I’m the prettiest pony That there is And so I toss my mane And I roll my skates And I line up Another triple hit Yippee-i-i-oh I’m a pony on the go It’s Summers time, And I always bring the heat Yippee-i-i-ay Summers Pony on the way When I’m up to bat You’re already beat