we'll suck forever

from the garages suck by the garages

we'll suck forever by Mother Love Blone (noise-land.bandcamp.com), backing vocals by The Suckettes.

The Suckettes are: Ada (@recombinatrix) Beo (@EmIsLongForM) BONES (@jbonechristian) Emu Mosh Veteran jennifer cat (@CattiferJen) June September Levi Squier (@SquierVoices) Mechtroid (@mechtroid) MQ (@QueenMucus) Navigator Riley (@StarryNavigator) rain (rainrain.bandcamp.com) Razura (@DesertQubeley) riley Sven “keeper_notes” Michel (@svensationalism) Tora Borealis (Exceptional Feline) Two-Headed Butt (twoheadedbutt.bandcamp.com) yana (@villainousgoo, going-nowhere.bandcamp.com ) zack.ry (zackry.bandcamp.com, sigfigscollective.com )

hell yeah
we're the garages
slept for ten years, now we suck again
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
i betcha thought
we’d gotten better
but nothin’ ever gets better round here
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but that’s always been the point
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but honestly we never cared what you thought about us
we’ll suck forever
we don’t even give a shit
we’ll suck forever
i hope we never get a hit
we’ll suck forever
we don’t even give a shit about what you think
and i’m pretty sure that’s what punk rock means
success is for capitalists
so every time we fail it’s basically praxis
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
who cares
about the bottom line
we’re on a one way ticket to party time
whoa-oh, whoa-oh
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but i think you’re missing the point
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but what’d you expect from a bunch of cranky anarchists
we’ll suck forever
yeah we’re losers to the end
we’ll suck forever
and then we’ll party with our friends
we’ll suck forever
even if we sweep the playoffs and ascend
yeah we’ll kill the gods, and we’ll still suck then
and if the boss tries to keep us down
we’ll flip her off from the dugout grounds
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but that’s always been the point
yeah we’re sorry to disappoint
but honestly who gives a shit what you think about us

we’ll suck forever
I hope we never ever win
we’ll suck forever
yeah we’re losers till the end
we’ll suck forever
because you can’t make us care about what you think
and I’m pretty sure that’s what “punk rock” means.
(well, that and punching nazis. those two things.)