
from World Tour: Part 2 by assorted artists

slavfox (@slavfoxman)

[Rogue Umpire tried to incinerate Hellmouth Sunbeams hitter Nagomi Nava, but Nagomi Nava ate the flame! They became magmatic!]
In the quiet darkness of this place,
a call to those who left;
reverberating through uncaring space,
a prayer to the dead
"Please tell me how I can trust again,
with no one left?
Please tell me how I can bat again,
how can I not break?"
And now I find myself before 
the blaze which took their breaths
And now I know I must see this end
With me, out goes the flame 
Now the fear has frozen me in place 
is this the end?
Now, a whisper: I soon will, again,
see my friends
I feel control break and slip away,
another wakes
I feel the wrath and rage of one
I knew as a friend
I know I can't resist but still 
cry out against the shade
I know I don't have the power of will
to stay here and not fade 
So this is how it ends
There won't be songs sung about today
No trophies, no medals amid the grey 
just me alone with the weight
To dry, blood needs air
So I'll learn to breathe again
but never be the same
[they became magmatic!]