the entire kansas city breath mints team failed the bar exam.
from World Tour: Part 2 by assorted artists
Astrid (@AReblase) - writing, production elliott w. (@postmodern_sin) - vocals, writing s. lynnette - vocals, clarinet Sci-Fi Boyfriend ( - guitar, bass
the kansas city breath mints team is hard to describe the game they play is quite bizarre and no one knows their vibes some say Marco Stink likes seeds or Lenny Spruce is a tree maybe Rod wears cat ears and Oscar has a degree (in teeth) Helga's truck is in a ditch and Hewitt likes to eat the rich but there's one thing that always stays the same they failed the bar that's just who they are they failed the bar with the lowest score by far none of them can practice law they'll never see a day in court 'cause the Breath Mints team collectively failed the bar (seriously, what are they doing?) Twooney pitches from the moon or somewhere deep in space Grey went off to miming school and learned to steal third base Leach lives in a parking lot of an abandoned corner store drinks expired Red Bull from the floor they stole the test from a college class sat criss-cross on the meadow grass Betmint checked the scores then he stood up to announce they failed the bar thought they'd do just fine but they failed the bar multiple times none of them can practice law they'll never see a day in court 'cause the Breath Mints team collectively failed the bar "wait, hold on, this makes no sense, the entire team?" "yes, the entire team failed the bar exam." "even Jessica Telephone?" "that's complicated, but yes! even Jessica Telephone. look, in order to play on the team, you have to fail the bar exam. and if you don't understand that at this point I don't know what else to tell you." they failed the bar that's just who they are they failed the bar with the lowest score by far none of them can practice law they'll never see a day in court 'cause the Breath Mints team collectively failed the bar