no second chair (can't play live)
from THE GARAGES CAN'T PLAY LIVE by the garages
look at me, look at me, look at me there ain’t an “i” in the winning team but i tell you where there is a “we” it’s in, “we’re getting rid of fascists, completely” you’re a part, you’re a part, you’re a part if you’re a human with a beating heart you don’t need to have a fist to fight just need to stand up against the right we’re on the attack we’re getting on track we’re beating them back bit by bit we all gotta play til we’re winning the day you know what they say: there is no second chair! you’re important! keep the t, keep the t, keep the t exile the terfs on the count of three and make every racist run and hide fifty points for every one that cries stay alert, stay alert, stay alert we gotta be there for our friends they hurt and listen to your allies who are under the heel but we have power that is tangibly real