Mud in the Dugout
from Immaterial Shores by the garages
By Ada (@recombinatrix), Harmonies Arranged by Jennifer Cat (@CattiferJen)
Starring the members of the Big-Garage Road Crew and Parking Attendants Union performing as the Groundskeepers Memorial Choir: (Ada (@recombinatrix), Callin Mckay, Charlotte Lillith (, Delta, Elinor, GirlRemembered, Jace, Monthenor, Reuben Johnson, Sci-Fi Boyfriend (, Silverwing, Sláinte), with additional mixing by Sci-Fi Boyfriend (
We're roadies at the Big Garage, we struggle night and day, And there's so much work to do here since the keepers shot away. Hoist the lines up to the speakers, scrape the gum off of the wall Sweep the mud out of the dugout so the players can play ball. And it's CHECK! One two three HEAVE! One two three Now Townsend's drifted off to sea Haul him back and we'll do it again Keep your ear out for the feedback when you’re tuning second base Batten down the batting cages, wipe the blood off of your face Hang the lighting from the rigging, crank the reverb to extreme Sweep the mud out of the dugout, put your back in for the team CHECK! One two three HAUL! One two three Now Townsend's drifted off to sea Haul him back and we'll do it again That squid is always watching and the blessings are a test The Boss can speak of fairness but you know she's like the rest While Her ownership assures us that the flooding's gonna stop Sweep the mud out of the dugout, every god is a just cop. HEY! CHECK! One two three HEAVE! One two three Now Townsend's drifted off to sea Haul him back and we'll do it again We'll labour in the darkness under Shadow Captain Mike You can trust a man to lead when he’s the one to pitch a strike Raise your shovels to the Captain once the players know they've won For the night is just beginning friends; the work is never done CHECK! One two three HAUL! One two three Now Townsend's drifted off to sea Haul him back and we'll do it again HEAVE! One two three STRIKE! One two three A roadie’s life is hard but free Pull it back and we'll do it again