
from STRIKE TWO​!​! by Fourth Strike Records

written and performed by Nose Astronaut (nose-astronaut.bandcamp.com)

bury me under your skin
i'll be whatever need me to be
i can find the contagion within
free of sin

i can breathe sulfur and smoke
i can breathe coal and tar and not choke
the room i stayed in with you when you broke
smelled of oak

bury me under your skin
i'll be your cage and won't hand you the key
i can be the same person you've been
weak and thin

i can be failure or bliss
a half remembered thought quickly dismissed
from flesh cold steel is stealing a kiss
just like this


i am the quiet you need
a long forgotten ace up your sleeve
i can easily bring you relief
or make you bleed

the scars i can leave will not fade
as long as you're here they'll remain
equally split between you
and the blade

i am the quiet you need
a promise and a gift to give
you just need to softly push me beneath
as agreed

the yearning will not go away
it'll always be here, lying in wait
it will shatter the peace of the nights
and dim the days