Forget Me

from STRIKE TWO​!​! by Fourth Strike Records

written and performed by Rosie Drown

I know
You will forget what you’ve already lost
You will remember that which you still hold
And burn to ashes what remains of me

I know
You’ll look back upon this very day
And you won’t know what to say
Because you will
Forget me

And so I’ll stop you there
There’s no use talking to me
There’s no use in looking at me
I’m leaving now

And I
Will make sure you can’t remember me
I will make myself forgettable
Whether I want to or not

You won’t see
This body
I’ll change my body

I’ll change my mind
So if I ever meet you again
You’ll just pay me no mind

I’ll never come back to this
Town again
Not after where I will have been
I’ll be far away

But if
By misfortune, I see your face again
It’s comforting to know
You won’t see mine

You won’t see
This body
I’ll change my body

I’ll change my mind
So if I ever meet you again
You’ll just pay me no mind

You won’t see
This body
I’ll change my body

I’ll change my mind
So if I ever meet you again
You’ll just pay me no mind