fortnite at twenty-four
from where we droppin, boys? by thank the bus driver
[let's now talk fortnite, shall we? it's the newest video game craze spreading across- fast among kids, college kids, even celebrities, and while it's fun, it is also frustrating for parents and teachers and anyone else who's heard "i can't, i'm playing fortnite"] notification: new message from a friend last message: may 2018 "i saw that you're online, we haven't chatted in a while but if i remember we made a great team" but she was busy moving and i was busy moving and i wasn't in a good place to be notification: new message from a friend "i would like to catch up if you're free" she's become a girl since then i've become a different person let's play fortnite together for old time's sake it's all a little new but it's still nicely familiar like a re-patched sweater let's play fortnite together like we did back in the day feel the bridges growing back between us as if it were five years ago as if i would forget her [through subscriptions and endorsements i have no intention of stopping any time soon] i'm making a joke and i'm not laughing and she's not laughing with me and we've just stayed online because we're scared of what's outside but it's hard to be funny in quarantine and i was busy losing the contacts in my phone book and finding a new place to be and finding i don't know all the people i used to know like they're strangers i just saw on the street she's become a girl since then i've become a different person let's play fortnite together for old time's sake it's all a little new but it's still nicely familiar like a re-patched sweater let's play fortnite together like we did back in the day feel the bridges growing back between us as if it were five years ago as if i would forget her [it's frustrating it's become a frustration in my home they're so consumed in this game] notification: and i'm sorry i find it hard to stay in touch every time i think of reaching out i find that it's too much and every time i feel that guilt it makes me want to fucking die and i actually don't want to at least i will not actively try but anyway this isn't needed you don't need to know this stuff hop on discord play some fortnite maybe that will be enough to distract me from my demons and you can forget yours playing this seems very different since we both turned twenty four [x2]