Disaster Disaster (rain)

from Fourth Strike Song Jam 2021 by Fourth Strike Records

written, performed, and mixed by rain (rainrain.bandcamp.com)

mother nature
why dya wanna hurt me
everything's on fire
the smoke, we keep breathing, the smoke, we keep breathing
mother's coming for you
you're up past your bedtime
and it's time to start sleeping, time to start sleeping

but i look in the morning
the sky has turned red with blood
and the ground has fell shallow
with bones, with bones, with bones

the world is spinning faster
and we're leaving it all to the rubble
the planet is a bastard
that is kicking us all into space
in disgrace

mother nature
i keep saying sorry
nothing seems to fix it
the smoke we keep breathing, the smoke, we keep breathing
mother's tryna call you
why'd you never call her
she needs your attention, she needs your attention