Infinite Spacetime (by GabiFaexoltl)

from Fourth Strike Song Jam 2023 by Fourth Strike Records

Week 4 - Inspired by the idea of a golden record

Infinite Spacetime by GabiFaexoltl

When they look back here at us as humanity, what will they see? 
Will they see each of us as individuals, will they see us for who we think we are? Or will they see something else.
I don't want to be remembered as a small blip in the expanse of spacetime. I think deep down, you don't want to be either. I think that you want to be big, I think that you want the eons to remember who you are, who you have been, and who you always will be.. I know because it's what I want too. It's only natural.. existence is fleeting and so am I.. but that's the beauty of it. We get to make it whatever we want. I hope you remember that, and don't forget: I'm with you, always, there in the dark