Ode to the Thumbs Up (by sammage)
from Fourth Strike Song Jam 2023 by Fourth Strike Records
Week 1 - Inspired by the thumbs up emoji (👍)
Ode to the Thumbs Up by sammage
If someone's messaging you, and you don't know what to do, thumbs up I've got a secret my friends, let me strongly recommend, thumbs up When you dunno what to say, but sure, that sounds okay, thumbs up When I've read what you sent, but I didn't really get it, thumbs up Do you wanna go to the park, get a drink on a lark, thumbs up Someone asks how you are, but your situation's quite bizarre, thumbs up I've been attacked by a shark, and it's starting to get dark, thumbs up did you read what I sent I've been attacked by shark oh, shit, wait, okay help is on the way thumbs up hug emoji ...eyes emoji ..uhhh.. Well, ok this is hardly my fault, and it's still a good emote, thumbs up just remember to read when your friend says they're bleeding a lot!