she's dead and i'm someone else.

from REVERSED by the garages

she's dead and i'm someone else. by riley

when I first walked through the door
you were all I saw
whilst they were giving me the tour
you showed what for
“who’s she?”
“she’s our best” they replied

now she’s dead
and we’re someone else
though we’ll never forget it, the way she made us feel
“we’re down but not out”
then “I never cared anyway”
she’s dead
long live us
i say

yes it’s been dark here alone
and we miss your tones
forgive us if we have a moan
because you’re all we’ve known
we defined
ourselves in you

now she’s dead
and we’re someone else
though we’ll never forget it, the way she made us feel
“we’re down but not out”
then “I never cared anyway”
she’s dead
long live us
i say

she’s dead
long live us
i say