Advice From A White Man

from #1 by Putrid Shark

Music & Lyrics: Dumpster Panda (, @RaccoonFink) Background vocals: teganeden ( Guitar: Agent 39.2 (, @Alian on Discord Bass: Shmucku (

I’ve got a thing to tell you
But you’ll reject it in the end, my friend

There’s not a lot to tell you
But that won’t stop me in the end, again

So what you need to know is
It’s all just so disjoint

I have no special insight
There really isn’t any...

I’ve got a few opinions
And I will grace you with them all, lol

It’s time to wax poetic
About my shit thrown at the wall, y’all

So what you need to know is
It’s all just so disjoint

I have no special insight
There really isn’t any...

I’ve got another question
Tell me if you disagree, please

Look, I’m just advocating
The devil needs the help, you see, geez

So what you need to know is
It’s all just so disjoint

I have no special insight
There really isn’t any...