Squalid Cartilage

from #1 by Putrid Shark

by Deidra Skye vocals by Bertie (hadestigers.bandcamp.com, @potentiallyrob) noises by by Supercomposite (supercomposite.bandcamp.com)

I begged the stars, to wipe my eyes
Give my clarity and answer why.
And in their place, she called my name
She called to me.

The Mother of squalor
lays her roots in decay.
She called to me.

When you sever the cartilage and you can see the bones writhe
The flesh that long lay dormant unsettled once more.

She said I'm matter, but I don't matter.
In decomposition my essence will scatter.

The tumult of maggots
Burst forth from the abscess
The tumult of maggots
Burst forth from the abscess

She said I'm matter but I don't matter
In decomposition, my essence will scatter.
She said I'm matter but my body will be shattered
In putrefaction, I'll finally find my answers.