
from spark to a flame by the garages

by elliot from seattle (@itselliotsk8s), vocals by navigator riley (@starrynavigator)

something changed
in the tides
i feel so

something flipped
way out there
i feel so

it's like my head's still elsewhere
i'm floating away from my friends
i see her on the other bench
please don't leave me up here
please don't leave me alone

yeah i'll have a, i dunno. a coffee, i guess.

the second time
i've cleaned out
this room
goodwin's gone
avila too

there's a negative space
in this empty apartment
it's so quiet here all the time
there's a hole in my heart
and at the bottom of my cup
please don't leave me alone

i don't know how much longer i have till i'm gone
the tea leaves said the end of my career's coming on
i wish i could've spent my last days here with you  
and i hope that you wish you could be here too