
from spark to a flame by the garages

by (Im)perfect Pitch, guitar, harmonica, beans, and mixing by VigilantBaker (

some view the world as polarized
divided neat and clean
won’t clip to fit one bit of it
I’m vibing in between

don’t see my life in 1s and 0s
square corners all aligned
if that’s your brew I’m glad for you
it’s not how I’m defined

‘cause my heart beats in analog
so digital won’t do
I’ll sing my song in analog
and to myself be true

to label me a one-note drink
is plain vulgarity
my flavor is a unique blend
brewed with sincerity

the world’s attempts to pin me down
don’t matter when I swing
flesh, bone and blood I’m full of love
lil’ bit of everything

‘cause my heart beats in analog
so digital won’t do
I’ll sing my song in analog
and to myself be true

almost forgot: brief epilogue
it’s “they” not “sir” nor “ma’am”
not digital, but analog
it’s just the way I am