ashes (night)

from from the shadows by the garages

by INOM (@LambMower) vocals by riley ( keys by Em Grace (@undeniableEmG) and zack.ry ( rhythm guitar by mother love blone (, @lastyears_model) lead guitar by yana (@villainousgoo | drums by MQ (@QueenMucus)

originally on LIVE @ DESERT BUS FOR HOPE

I thought I heard your laughter
dancing joyfully in the wind
when I turned around to find you
you were gone

I thought it would be us forever
together against the world
but here I am standing alone

as the sun sets on the dream we shared
memories is all I have left
and all our regrets, all we left unsaid
now Ashes is all that remains
now Ashes is all that remains

as I walked the streets we used to roam
the void you left aches
I thought I heard your call on the wind
please, don't leave me behind

as the sun sets on the dream we shared
memories is all I have left
and all our regrets, all we left unsaid
now Ashes is all that remains
whisked away by the storm
only the memories are left
now my heart beats for both of us
now as ashes is all that remains