from #2 by Putrid Shark
by Lágkarl, bass by OK Scavenger
Úr fold rís, Útburðurinn, Áformin, Áður engin, Gríp úr lofti, Græti hal, Græði ekkert, Gæska við feigðina ólgar um minn skrokk Sálu gef, Skrápur fylgir, Aungvin bein, Auðga jörðu, Fénu rænt, Ferjumanni, Skuld frestað, Senn mun gjald aftur goldið margsinnis Og sjá Á níunda mánuði þar var risin aftur Grábölvuð syndin Er kæfði vonarglætu Og svolgraði í sig skuggum guma Engin var aflausn Engin var björg Nema sú er fætur veittu Hafin af mér, líf og æra, Hamskiptin býð, Lygarnar sem af sig stæra, Leysi sem lýð Ei skal hræðast, Eitrinu bylt, Lát oss ræðast, Leikum skylt Fetaðu í minn veg Ger upp eigin hug Sjáðu það sem hulið er _______________________ From the earth rises, One that was left for dead, A purpose, None before, Grabbed from thin air, Bringing man to tears, Nothing gained, A kindness to the decay courses through my carcass I give my soul, Sharkhide accompanies, Not a single bone, Enriches the dirt, A fee plundered, Of the ferryman, A debt postponed, Soon a price will be paid many times over Lo and behold, In the ninth month, there was risen again, The sin, twice damned, That smothered the glimmer of hope And gorged itself on the shadows of men, None was the absolution, None was the deliverance, Save that granted by one’s legs Stolen from me, life and dignity, I offer metamorphosis, The lies which they hold proudly, I untie like the people It is not to be feared, The venom turned, Let us speak, Let us play the same Walk my path Make up your own mind See that which is cloaked