beep or bleat?

from we are the garages (vol 4) by the garages

by Agent 39.2 (Alian,, )

do androids dream of electric sheep?
and if they do,
do they beep or bleat?
do robots ever make friends?
or are they all just a
means to an end?

check maintenance log six
for presence of caprines
arithmetic dictates
that you are now dead weight
slowing this rocket bus
but not ejected
would that not make it “sus”?

do we possess a soul?
does it exceed the speed of light?
can it escape black holes?
do we still have a chance to fight?
results are still uncertain
what follows final curtains
so let’s not wait around
and abandon this town
and head for new horizons

is this an exercise in futility?
how do you theorize
we cheat gravity?
is it finally time
we accept our fates?
say our sayonaras
and call it a day?

the same as with death,
until our last breath
chances are non-zero
hold on and pull through
I don’t understand you
please install japanese module

do we possess a soul?
does it exceed the speed of light?
can it escape black holes?
do we still have a chance to fight?
results are still uncertain
what follows final curtains
so let’s not wait around
and abandon this town
and head for new horizons

correct pitch by minus zero point zero three one
engage dorsal thrusters
hold on to your aft ends
engage boosters in three, two, one, ignition