A Horrible Mistake We Will Make Again And Again

from DISCIPLINE by the garages

composition and rhythm guitar by Max Cohen vocals by June September lead guitar and bass by Rain drums and auxiliary percussion by Melissa Johnson

It’s a good day to piss on the gods
To steal their Camaro
And drive it off a cliff into a pool
Yeah that would rule
It’s a good day to stare at the sun
To flip it the bird with each hand
And say its music taste is trash
And it can kiss our ass
It’s a good day
To vote in a decree
And make a total mess of this whole damn league
So let’s show up to the polls
And show them anarchy
If I don’t know the limits, how am I gonna break them?
If you think that we’re kidding, well then  you’re sorely mistaken
I came here kick ass and chew gum and open books
In the language of splort
“Routine” means “Vicious”
“Book” is “Cuisine”
“Forbidden” = “Delicious”
So you better watch out cuz we know how to cook
Forget the blases, forget going home
We’re just hungry to rip into that goddamned tome
And if you don’t lay off, parker, you’ll be next


The players are restless, they’re all starting fires
Every game is the same, we’re just baseball for liars
It’s our first season back, but the fun has expired
We’re all sick of the daylight, light up the pyre
All rules are made to be broken
And all forbidden books are made to be opened
So send my love to the stands, cuz we’re tearing them down