from eye of the storm by the garages
by apha (@aphamusic)
my time is running out my minutes are numbered I can feel the void coming closer before the clock strikes three it'll be too late for me one can hardly see a thing in all the noise I'm sitting at the edge of the world hiding in the corner the event horizon twirls heading forward devouring quarters as I falter a quadrant at a time three down, one to go and all I feel is sorrow wish I stayed with my friends they didn't cower from the end being the last to go just means you go alone I'm sitting at the edge of the world hiding in the corner the event horizon twirls heading forward coming closer coming closer I'm sitting (I wish it wasn't me) at the edge of the world (I wish it wasn't me) wasted all my minutes (I wish it wasn't me) trying to stay alive and look where it got me (I wish it wasn't me) I'm just the last one nullified