night shift

from eye of the storm by the garages

night shift by Vigilant Baker (, lead vocals by apha (@aphamusic), backing vocals and lead guitar A by em grace (@undeniableEmG), bass by mother love blone (

They tap you on the shoulder
Say “it’s my turn now,
no need to be a hero
No need to be holier-than-thou”

“You’ve got time to rest, kid
Siesta until dawn
Sleep in the shadows
Take a train and get gone”

But they might consider you a flight risk
They know you’re trying to make it out of town
But in the darkness of the night shift
Someone’s gonna track you down

You pray for rain
But the gods give you blood
And the only drink you get
Is from the never-ending floods
And I hope you feel safe now
Blow off some steam
But if you manage to get some rest
I hope you don’t manage to dream
Even if your nightmares
Are better than waking life
The dreams of getting away are worse
Those are the ones that twist in the knife
Be careful when you flip the light switch
You’re in the dirtiest business in town
And in the darkness of the night shift
Something is gonna drag you down

If you pray for rain
You gotta escape the flood
And if it sweeps you somewhere else
They're gonna be out for blood
Then you tap ‘em on the shoulder
Say "it's my turn now
go dance in the moonlight
we'll find a way out of this somehow"

"look for any details that we might miss
retrace every road that leads out of town
but in the darkness of the night shift
something’s gonna bring us down”