dickerson's remorse
from eye of the storm by the garages
composition, song, backing vocals, bass, mixing, acoustic and electric guitar by Agent 39.2 ( https://agent392.bandcamp.com/ ) em grace (@undeniableEmG) on keys VigilantBaker ( vigilantbaker.bandcamp.com ) on harmonica cwill (@cwillcwont) on slide guitar Sci-Fi Boyfriend ( sciencefictionboyfriend.bandcamp.com ) on mandolin
They say it’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all But sage words are as useful now as those written in bathroom stalls The time has come to bury my love, future, present and past This time I’ve got nothing left, this time I’ve loved my last A faded maple bat and dog-eared, worn-out letters, With vows of things looking up and changes for the better Find a house out west and scrape some cash together But dreams were always meant to be dot-dash-dot dot dash-dot dashed Go big or go home I’m told, so I went for lock, stock and barrel The name up in bright lights and the world broken to the marrow Instead I found much more in you, my darling peach, If only I’d realized sooner, when I had you in my reach A faded maple bat and dog-eared, worn-out letters, With vows of things looking up and changes for the better Find a house out west and scrape some cash together But dreams were always meant to be dot-dash-dot dot dash-dot dashed