hymn to a non-allergic reaction

from short circuit 03 by the garages

vocals and song by Woosh monologue by carciclarbtor and Woosh harp by Amadis monologue recitation by Rosie Drown

[space. do you know how big space is? it’s around one hundred miles in diameter. that’s how big space is. there’s nothing beyond that we checked. we’re trapped inside a fucking bubble and i want to get out. anyways. the scale of the universe is such. watch as i zoom out this fancy tv graphic. observe the tiny particles of static and antistatic

now we come to the bigass fucking microphone in the sky. i am scared of it. i feel like we exist at its whim. do you see the wire at its base? it wraps around the entire universe

see how the bits of static combine to form crystalline structures. we call them snowflakes. they are each unique, and form impossibly many permutations. observe the incredible beauty of nature. one time while i was pitching they blew into my face and it was cold as fuck

do you see the sun? do you see how it is being eclipsed by a giant, unknown object? it is unclear to cosmologists what could cause this phenomenon, as the concept of orbit has been destroyed. sometimes eclipses kill you. death is a natural part of life

a new weather phenomena has occurred called Peanut. the legumes we know as "peanuts" come falling from the sky in a violent manner, scaring everyone shitless. they are edible, i tried one, and it was the most delicious thing i have ever tasted. anyways. there is another god in the sky that calls my name. i do not want to listen to it, for it does not abide by science, but nothing in this world makes sense anymore, so fuck it all, i guess.

historians tell of a place called the hall of flame. a repository for the dead, located somewhere called the trench. at some point in our past the hall was obscured from us. i don’t know where you go when you die anymore. this is scary because change is always scary. but being alive is also a state of constant change.]

legume, legume
the mighty one has chosen you
eat ambrosia, drink the wine
your power will come to you in time

weaker ones have tried and failed
but where they falter you prevail
so bring me your strength and bring your smile
and bring the Shelled One to it's prime!

the hour will come when you will know (hoop ii is when you will know)
when you're needed and must go (you are needed and must go)
so prep your family, say goodbye (tell all of your friends goodbye)
for the sake of peace they all may die