from short circuit 03 by the garages
by fizzabelle (@izzybutcool)
(5,6,7,8, who do we appreciate?) it's a brand new season, a brand new circuit the gods are watching me on the field (no pressure!) my moxie is low, so is my shakespeareanism but i'm still a part of the team i guess... i can't hit the pitches when i'm batting with my right hand and i'm even worse with my left i thought i signed up for college basketball i guess i didn't read the fine print now all i do is miss the ball and strike out, baby all i do is strike out i thought i was gonna make my mother proud, baby but all i do is strike out ha haa all i do is strike out yeah, i'm not even sure why they picked me last sunday, i was hanging in washington but then monday rolls around and i am playing in missouri and now i'm sweaty, and nervous, my limbs are shaking and my uniform is slightly damp when my horoscope said that "my life would be changed" i thought it meant that i would get to play college basketball but i'm here, and i hear them call my name i guess i should go now all i do is miss the ball and strike out, baby all i do is strike out i thought i was gonna make my mother proud, baby but all i do is strike out i hope my mom isn't listening to this i'm very bad at blaseball, but you could probably tell that from my everything! (batter up, bend your knees, miss the ball and strike out) x16 NOW ALL I DO IS MISS THE BALL AND STRIKE OUT, BABY ALL I DO IS STRIKE OUT I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA MAKE MY MOTHER PROUD, BABY BUT ALL I DO IS STRIKE OUT