my dead blood

from BLASETOBER by the garages

by Monthenor

Shards of bone pierce my flesh
Grind the corpses into slurry
Curdled milk
From the mother's udders
Smothers the child's remains

I drown you in dead blood
I drown you in dead blood
I bury you in dead blood
I drown you in my dead blood

The lake of fire rages
The tunnel caves in endlessly
Until the ashes of the charnel house
Join the castoffs
Of the marrow
Of my longest bones


Acid and mucus wage eternal war
A battlefield the length of me five times over
Fueled by the
Death of a
Thousand sacrificial calves

I damn you to your grave destroyed
I down you to my serpentine void

I damn you to the latrine pit of history
The nothing at the core of me

...i drown you in my dead blood...